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If you know the strawa article numbers, you can quickly put together your product request cart. Use the steps listed below.

2. Edit

Fill in the article numbers and the quantity

3. Upload

Click on Select file to upload the file

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Request now

Please enter your contact details to clarify any queries and then send your request. We will be happy to provide you with a detailed net price offer and will be happy to provide you with further advice free of charge.

  • Wholesalers can obtain their net prices from our technical team or from their responsible sales representative.
  • Craftsmen should ask their wholesaler for their net prices.
  • Engineering offices/planners, housing associations and general contractors will receive their list price offer after sending the request.


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    Do you have any questions?

    Our competent team will be happy to assist you with their skills and technical expertise. Find the right contact person for your needs – in-house or via our extensive sales network. We look forward to helping you!

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